I recently bought two Diamond MX-2000N triplexors because at my current place I only have space for one RF cable from the shack to the roof. The idea is to have one triplexor in the shack and another one below the antennas. Before installing the triplexors I decided to bring them on the bench and check if the claimed performance is met by the devices.

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Recently my Yaesu FT857 became deaf. It turned out that the plastic enclosure of the FT857 filters over time consented to moisture which ruined the filters. In this post, I’ll show you how I replaced the filters and brought the radio back to life.

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This year we wanted to seriously compete in CQWW CW from the ED1R contest station. While the station is equipped reasonably on all bands with Yagis and verticals, there were no dedicated receiving antennas available - yet. Out of my former contest participation from other stations, I know that when it comes down to winning a CQWW, dedicated receiving antennas are a must-have. Beverages provide great directivity and reduce the EU clutter significantly.

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Author's picture

Tobias Wellnitz, DH1TW

Software Engineer
